
Arithmetic For Computer : Hexadecimal Number


  • hexadecimal (hex) is a number system that has base which is 16.
  • use symbol 0 - 9 to represent zero to nine and A - F to represent ten to fifteen.
  • hex digit represent 4 binary digit ( bits ) or nibble.
  • hex has 2 operation which are addition and subtraction.
never forget to put '16' after write the digit in order to distinguish between ordinary numbers and hex numbers.


  • hex has 16 digit :-
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
  • if the sum is 16, carry '1' will move to the next digit
example of addition for hexadecimal number


  • it follow the following rules :-
  1. convert to binary numbers
  2. find 2nd complement
  3. add 
  4. convert to hex
  5. drop carry (if have)
  • if the value is smaller, 'borrow' from the next digit (same as primary school's subtract operation)
some examples for subtraction for hexadecimal number

below is a video showing us how to make both hex addition and subtraction operation

that's all from me
wait for another entry
hope that this will help........
p/s = practice make perfect!

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